Source code for slims_lisp.slims

import os
import sys
import json
import requests
import datetime
import base64

[docs]class Slims(object): def __init__(self, url, username, pwd): self.url = url self.username = username self.pwd = pwd
[docs] def get(self, table, **kwargs): if "response" not in kwargs.keys(): response = [] else: response = kwargs["response"] del kwargs["response"] response.append(requests.get(self.url + "/" + table, auth = (self.username, self.pwd), **kwargs ) ) return response[0]
[docs] def post(self, table, **kwargs): if "response" not in kwargs.keys(): response = [] else: response = kwargs["response"] del kwargs["response"] response.append( + "/" + table, auth = (self.username, self.pwd), **kwargs ) ) return response[0]
[docs]class Eln(Slims): def __init__(self, url, username, pwd): Slims.__init__(self, url, username, pwd)
[docs] def get_project(self, **kwargs): criteria = [{"fieldName":key, "operator":"equals", "value":value} for key, value in kwargs.items()] return self.get(table = "Project/advanced", headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, json = {"criteria":{"operator":"and", "criteria":criteria } } )
[docs] def get_experiment(self, **kwargs): criteria = [{"fieldName":key, "operator":"equals", "value":value} for key, value in kwargs.items()] return self.get(table = "ExperimentRun/advanced", headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, json = {"criteria":{"operator":"and", "criteria":criteria } } )
[docs] def get_experiment_step(self, active, **kwargs): criteria = [{"fieldName":key, "operator":"equals", "value":value} for key, value in kwargs.items()] if active is not None and active != "both": criteria.append({"fieldName":"xprs_active", "operator":"equals", "value":active}) return self.get(table = "ExperimentRunStep/advanced", headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, json = {"criteria":{"operator":"and", "criteria":criteria } } )
[docs] def get_attachment(self, linked, **kwargs): criteria = [{"fieldName":key, "operator":"equals", "value":value} for key, value in kwargs.items()] if linked is not None and linked != "both": criteria.append({"fieldName":"attm_linkCount", "operator":"greaterThan", "value":0}) return self.get(table = "Attachment/advanced", headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, json = {"criteria":{"operator":"and", "criteria":criteria } } )
[docs] def create_attachment_step(self, proj, exp, title, verbose): """Create a new attachment step in an experiment.""" kwargs = {"xprn_name":exp, "user_userName":self.username, "value":exp } # Retrieve Project if proj != "": project = self.get_project(prjc_name = proj, user_userName = self.username) if len(project.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple projects found with name '" + proj + "'. Make sure projects names are unique." ) elif len(project.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No project found with name '" + proj + "'.") kwargs.update({"xprn_fk_project":project.json()["entities"][0]["pk"]}) # Retrieve Experiment experiment_run = self.get_experiment(**kwargs) if len(experiment_run.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple experiments found with name '" + exp + "'. Make sure experiments names are unique." ) elif len(experiment_run.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No experiment found with name '" + exp + "'.") # Check if an attachment step with same name already exists experiment_step = self.get_experiment_step(active = "true", xprs_fk_experimentRun = experiment_run.json()['entities'][0]['pk'], xpst_type = "ATTACHMENT_STEP", xprs_name = title) if len(experiment_step.json()["entities"]) > 1: print("Warning: A steps with name '" + title + "' in experiment '" + exp + "' already exists." ) response = = "/eln/ExperimentRun/" + str(experiment_run.json()['entities'][0]['pk']), headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, json = {"xprs_name":title, "xpst_type":"ATTACHMENT_STEP" } ) if verbose == True and response.status_code == 200: print("Created step '" + title + "' in experiment '" + exp + "'." ) elif response.status_code != 200: print("Warning: Could not create step '" + title + "' in experiment '" + exp + "'. Response status " + str(response.status_code) ) return response
[docs] def download_attachment(self, proj, exp, step, active, attm, linked, output_dir, verbose): """Download a file from a SLIMS experiment attachment step.""" if active is None: active = "true" active = active.lower() if linked is None: linked = "true" linked = linked.lower() output = attm if output_dir != "": if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) elif not os.path.isdir(output_dir): sys.exit("'" + output_dir + " already exists and is not a directory.") output = os.path.normpath(output_dir + "/" + attm) kwargs = {"xprn_name":exp, "user_userName":self.username, "value":exp } # Retrieve Project if proj != "": project = self.get_project(prjc_name = proj, user_userName = self.username) if len(project.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple projects found with name '" + proj + "'. Make sure projects names are unique." ) elif len(project.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No project found with name '" + proj + "'.") kwargs.update({"xprn_fk_project":project.json()["entities"][0]["pk"]}) # Retrieve Experiment experiment_run = self.get_experiment(**kwargs) if len(experiment_run.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple experiments found with name '" + exp + "'. Make sure experiments names are unique." ) elif len(experiment_run.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No experiment found with name '" + exp + "'.") # Retrieve ExperimentRunStep experiment_step = self.get_experiment_step(active = active, xprs_fk_experimentRun = experiment_run.json()['entities'][0]['pk'], xpst_type = "ATTACHMENT_STEP", xprs_name = step) if len(experiment_step.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple steps found with name '" + step + "' in experiment '" + exp + "'. Make sure steps names are unique." ) elif len(experiment_step.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No step found with name '" + step + "' in experiment '" + exp + "'." ) # Retrieve Attachment attachment = self.get_attachment(linked = linked, attm_name = attm, user_userName = self.username) attachment = [ [{"attm_file_filename":e1["value"], "pk":e0["pk"]} for e1 in e0["columns"] if e1["name"] == "attm_file_filename" ][0] for e0 in attachment.json()["entities"] ] # Retrieve Attachment link attachment_link = self.get_attachment_link(atln_recordTable = "ExperimentRunStep", atln_recordPk = experiment_step.json()["entities"][0]["pk"]) attachment_link_pk = [ e2[0] for e2 in [[e1["value"] for e1 in e0["columns"] if e1["name"] == "atln_fk_attachment" and (e1["value"] in [e2["pk"] for e2 in attachment]) ] for e0 in attachment_link.json()["entities"] ] if e2 ] if len(attachment_link_pk) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple attachments found with name '" + attm + "' in experiment '" + exp + "' step '" + step + "'. Make sure attachments names are unique." ) elif len(attachment_link_pk) == 0: sys.exit("No attachment found with name '" + attm + "' in experiment '" + exp + "' step '" + step + "'." ) # Download the attachement response = [] with self.get(table = "repo/" + str(attachment_link_pk[0]), response = response, stream = True) as r: with open(output, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size = 8192): if chunk: f.write(chunk) if verbose == True and response[0].status_code == 200: print("Downloaded '" + output + "'.") elif response[0].status_code != 200: print("Warning: Could not download '" + output + "'. Response status " + str(response[0].status_code) ) # Save metadata metadata = {"url":self.url + "/repo/" + str(attachment_link_pk[0]), "creator":self.username, "project_name":proj, "experiment_name":exp, "step_name":step, "attachment_name":attm, "attachment_file_filename":[ e["attm_file_filename"] for e in attachment if e["pk"] == attachment_link_pk[0] ][0], "file_name":output, "created" datetime.timezone.utc ).isoformat(sep='T') } with open(output + "_metadata.txt", "w") as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=2) if verbose == True: print("Metadata writen to '" + output + "_metadata.txt'") return response[0]
[docs] def upload_attachment(self, proj, exp, step, active, file, attm, verbose): """Upload a file to a an existing SLIMS experiment attachment step.""" if active is None: active = "true" active = active.lower() if attm is None: attm = os.path.basename(file) kwargs = {"xprn_name":exp, "user_userName":self.username, "value":exp } # Retrieve Project if proj != "": project = self.get_project(prjc_name = proj, user_userName = self.username) if len(project.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple projects found with name '" + proj + "'. Make sure projects names are unique." ) elif len(project.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No project found with name '" + proj + "'.") kwargs.update({"xprn_fk_project":project.json()["entities"][0]["pk"]}) # Retrieve Experiment experiment_run = self.get_experiment(**kwargs) if len(experiment_run.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple experiments found with name '" + exp + "'. Make sure experiments names are unique." ) elif len(experiment_run.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No experiment found with name '" + exp + "'.") # Retrieve ExperimentRunStep experiment_step = self.get_experiment_step(active = active, xprs_fk_experimentRun = experiment_run.json()["entities"][0]["pk"], xpst_type = "ATTACHMENT_STEP", xprs_name = step) if len(experiment_step.json()["entities"]) > 1: sys.exit("Multiple steps found with name '" + step + "' in experiment '" + exp + "'. Make sure steps names are unique." ) elif len(experiment_step.json()["entities"]) == 0: sys.exit("No step found with name '" + step + "' in experiment '" + exp + "'." ) with open(file, "rb") as f: response = = "/repo", headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}, json = {"atln_recordTable":"ExperimentRunStep", "atln_recordPk":experiment_step.json()["entities"][0]['pk'], "attm_name":attm, "contents":base64.b64encode("utf-8")}, stream = True ) if verbose == True and response.status_code == 200: print("Uploaded '" + file + "' to experiment '" + exp + "' step '" + step + "'." ) elif response.status_code != 200: print("Warning: Could not upload '" + file + "' to experiment '" + exp + "' step '" + step + ". Response status " + str(response.status_code) ) return response